New Comic | War Medicine


War Medicine: An original digital digital comic!
War Medicine is the tale of a formidable female bounty hunter with shaman abilities in the Old West whose quest is to mete out justice to those who have killed her extended family.  Her quest leads her far and wide against a bevy of dangerous foes with supernatural powers of their own. 

War Medicine is created by Nate Wunderman and Hannibal Tabu, with art by Roy Allan Martinez (credits includes Marvel’s Son of M, Immortal Iron Fist, DC’s Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and AMP’s Zorro: Sword of Hell, amongst others), writing by Hannibal Tabu (Time Corps, Scoundrel, Irrational Numbers, etc.), colors and letters by Josephine Roberts (E.I. – Earth Invasion, Time Corps, Scoundrel, etc.), and Nate Wunderman editing.