Alucha libre wrestler living in San José. Adam is the son of Miguel Bruno, the first Boogeyman, who died mysteriously when Adam was a baby. Adam is now living in a future dire Latin American megapolis and becomes a reluctant, medically enhanced vigilante. The mission of the rebel group to help destroy the corporate rule and to re-establish democracy?
A lucha libre wrestler living in San José. Adam is the son of Miguel Bruno, the first Boogeyman, who died mysteriously when Adam was a baby. Adam’s career has gone off the rails because of his alcohol addiction and family problems: his wife dumped him for a criminal, Miguel Tornero, and she won’t let him see his son. But something is changing… Adam is developing powers thanks to Serum N and a dark hero is rising.
A lucha libre wrestler and Adam’s best friend. Jorge is also a client of Adam’s manager but he has a secret… He is a member of Blanca Nieves’ squad, San José’ main rebel group. The mission of the rebel group is the destruction of corporate rule and to re-establish democracy. However, a new threat is coming and he will fight to stop it, as his love for San José is more powerful than his hatred for the corporations.
CEO of the Zerotech Corporation, the preeminent corporation of San José. Samuel’s body was remade and warped by voodoo with a combination of incantations. criminality, Samuel has controlling interest of Zerotech Corp. He is the de-facto dictator of San Jose via controlling the city’s water supply. His main concern is to put a worthy successor to his position in place and he has decided that his rebellious daughter, Sara Pope, should be that successor.
Sara Pope aka Blanca Nieves, is the leader of San José’s main rebel group. Publicly, she wants to free San José from corporate tyranny; but, in fact, Sara wants to kill her father Samuel Pope. Sarah was abandoned and grew up as an abused orphan, going from one grim institution to the other. She has made it her life’s mission to get revenge on her father.
Samuel Pope’s personal assistant, as well as being his mistress. Since the start of her corporate career, she has made a conscious effort to distance herself from her quite humble origins that she is ashamed of. She became the consummate corporate climber, aspiring to be Samuel’s successor. However, doing so meant getting close to the boss she loathes. She has forsaken everything in order to fulfill her secret ultimate aim, becoming CEO of Zerotech corporation. If someone gets between her and her ambition, she will do whatever is necessary.
Barnabas is the gym doctor and is an old man who tends to the medical needs of the wrestlers. Prior to this, he was Matteo Borja, chief scientist of Zerotech Corporation’s Research & Development Department. There, he knew Miguel Bruno and tested the experimental Serum F on the wrestler. Shortly after Miguel Bruno’s death, he abruptly quit working for Zerotech, then changed his identity (from Matteo Borja to Barnabas). Now, as Barnabas, he is the chief priest of The Labyrinth of Blood, a secret society that venerates a mysterious being called Daedalus. As part of his duties, he tested the new Serum N on an unknowing Adam.
Daedalus is the living god and founder of The Labyrinth of Blood. He has great powers, including slowing down the ageing process and extraordinary physical strength. His blood is able to cure the wounds of his devotees and he really believes in his divinity. He leads the cult from the dark and waits for the day when he will govern the human race together with his demigods and with his Chosen One… but all this can only happen after having crushed the head of the serpent, the demon that lives in the cathedral: Samuel Pope.
Creator: Giancarlo Caracuzzo
Writer: Massimiliano Grotti
Artist: Giancarlo Caracuzzo
Coloring: Flavia Caracuzzo
Lettering: Josephine Roberts
Editor: Nate Wunderman
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